
Have an idea you want to talk to us about?
Contact James and let’s have a chat to discuss your project.

Email us
Call +44 (0)20 4574 6667

Image of Barbican Tube, taken on a Mamiya 645

Contact Form

    Book a free meeting:

    To book a free 15 or 30 minute consultation with James, the director, please click the button below to view available appointments for a video/call using Phone, Cal, Google Meets or Zoom:

    Book a meeting


    Based near Barbican/Old Street Tube we’re about as central London as possible.

    Golden Lane,
    EC1Y 0UA

    Isle of Wight:

    Come and see us in the sunniest place in Britiain. There’s sun, sailing, sea and us!

    5 Birmingham Road,
    Isle of Wight,
    PO31 7BH