MyWay Digital Healthcare

We work with MyWay to create, support and innovate care for patients, Health Care Professionals and authorities.

“James and his team have been a fantastic asset in developing and supporting our platform, working in conjunction with our internal development team, along with our educational content team to deliver and keep on top of everything, sometimes at very short notice and against challenging deadlines. Would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone either looking to do stand alone web projects, or to subcontract components out of a larger platform.” – Doogie Brodie, Development Manager

We have designed, built and maintain a vast array of projects for MyWay and the NHS for Diabetes management for Patient, parents and Health Care Professionals. Often requiring fast response and thinking on our feet we’ve been partners for a number of years.

We have a vast infrastructure based on AWS to support high concurrency and High Availability.

As part of our partnership and BAU relationship we not only maintain the online platforms for training, we also deliver support for all corporate public facing sites, development of bespoke systems for GP relations, live user reporting and aggregating patient data into further healthcare services. Wel also work with LearnDash LMS to develop custom features and integrations of the popular learning platform.

Know Diabetes Home page

Technical stack

aws Logo
AWS is an industry leader in hosting and compute platform. We use AWS for their use of renewable energy and net zero goals.
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Adobe Creative Cloud including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro and more
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Bootstrap is a front end framework.
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CSS is the clothes of the internet, allowing us to style every element of a website.
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HTML5 is the very building blocks of all internet facing things. We work hard to produce clean HTML output for resilience and performance.
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Javascript is a scripting language to handle anything from simple manipulation/animations to full blown applications.
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Laravel is a PHP application framework, allowing us to build quickly, securely and avoid unwanted bloat.
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Node.js is a javascript engine to allow for compiling and maintaining our Javascript code bases and build tools.
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PHP is a programming language that's open source, frequently updated and maintained. Since 2011 its had nearly an 80% marketshare globally.
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Paypal is a payment gateway widely used.
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SASS/SCSS allows us to write faster, more consistent and precise CSS as well as containing some cool and useful features outside of the scope of regular CSS (We also 😍 SASS with Foundation).
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Sketch is a Web design tool for designers and developers to collaborate and design with.
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Stripe is a payment gateway that offers a good API and lower fees.
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WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) that powers a lot of the web (43% of the whole internet, 65% of CMS driven sites). It's ease of use, frequent updates and available tools make it a perfect choice for a lot of applications.
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Yarn is another popular Javascript build tool.
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Woocommerce is an easy-to-use, extendable and maintained e-commerce plugin for WordPress.
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LearnDash is a WordPress learning management system (LMS) trusted by companies, universities, training organisations, and entrepreneurs worldwide for creating (and selling) their online courses.